"Met wetten is het net zoals bomen. Voer je te veel wetten in, dan zie je door de bomen het bos niet meer."
Raf Houben
mr. R.A.M. Houben
Assistant Professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/financial regulatory law & compliance expert at PGGM
Raf Houben is assistant professor and education coordinator of the Compliance & Integrity Management Program at the Center for Executive Education of the School of Business & Economics VU Amsterdam. He also works as financial regulatory law/compliance expert at PGGM N.V. Raf studied business and international law at the University of Leiden and has 34 years working experience. Amongst others, he has worked as a compliance professional, financial regulatory lawyer and supervisor at various (financial) institutions, including 10 years at De Nederlandsche Bank. He is writing a doctoral thesis on effectiveness of financial law. One of his (co)publications is: 'The Handbook of Compliance & Integrity Management; Theory and Practice', Kluwer Law International, 2017). Raf was editor in chief of the Magazine for Compliance and editor of the Yearbook Compliance.
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